Saturday, 2025-02-01, 23:18
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Hello. Our community is about having fun, meet new people or just sit at home and relax on our server for a day.
to create new servers or upgrade them we need some cash. Just think
about all the time i have spent on this to make it work. (created a
webpage, Configured the server and more) Our goal is to atleast set up
a 64 slot zombiemod server, but we cant make this without you. So if
you like this community and/or want some upgrades. We are right now looking for a NEW server to buy. We just need some money.

How do i Donate?

Hold your mouse over Donate here / Info menu in the upper left corner and you will be givien different donate options. Just choose the one you like best and click on it. When you come to the new donate page just press the "Donate" button and fill in all nessesairy information! Its easy!
You can donate with PayPal

Advertises [9Left]:

If you donate 5 euro (50kr) you will get your own advertise ingame. Im sure you've seen any advertise on our server and you might have seen that they will be shown in chat area, top left corner and down in the middle at the same time. Your advertise will only be shown for 1 month and then it will be deleted. And we will only accept 10 adverts every month so check the headline above and you'll see how many adverts there is left.

Think of that your advertise cant be to long. So you cant have a whole story. Only use 1 sentence or 2 short ones.
Your advertise cant contain sexual,racist or offensive words and so on. So please use a "normal" language
You can allso donate 10 euro and get 2 advertises, or 20 euro to get 4 advertises or |VIP| skins and 2 advertises and so on.

Important: After you have donated register on forum or use your current account to log in.
Create a new tread in the Donations section called my advert [your username]. Example: My advert [NoExIt]
In there write that you have donated and what you want your advertise to be.
within 24 hours your advertise should be shown ingame.

|VIP| Skins:

Donate 10 euro (100kr) you will be given a |VIP| skin to show that you support our community.
Important: After you have donated register at our forum or login with your current username and start a new tread called |VIP| [Username]. Example: |VIP| NoExIt
In there write your ingame name and your steam account name (makes it easier to contact you if i get any troubble).
within 24 hours you should be able to type: settings  ingame and select your |VIP| skin.

Here's a picture of the |VIP| skin:

|VIP| G-man. Its my favourite skin. He have a huge green arrow over his head ever 30 sec that says VIP!


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