i dont understand the glitch there but i agree its not good even though i made this onne xD however there is ALOT of other godawful maps on this server like: ze_2012: people dont even die when the map i being nuked and then all of the sudden the nuking stops and whoever is in the ark is stuck there cause noone can kill them to end the round. you are also kinda lost in the map and then all of the suden. BAM you are teleported to the plane from the movie which crashes (or disappear) and the ice landscapes dont even looke like in the movie. in the movie it was night and there were no caves. plus the start elevators if you dont make it then you are fucked. the elevator dont come back and the ladder you are supposed to go up if you dont make it then the elevator blocks you so you cant get up at all.
zm_bhf_lil_o_everything: the map looks awful the map is not balanced at all. there are spots you can defend alone against every other zombies on the server. plus everytime the round starts there is major lag which results in players not being able to buy weapons or get zombiefied. and you fall through every object in the map even truck which are supposed to be static but for some reason they are made physics objects for some reason making for some impossible spots.
ze_pitchblack: name says it all. you have NO idea where the hell you are going. everything is pitch black (obviously) and everything looks the same so you dont know where the hell you are.
zm_neko_garden_beta: i have no idea why ppl love this map. there is about a total of 4-5 hiding spots in this map: on the bushes, above the door, some other spots the barely counts. rest of it is just for the looks. oh look how good it looks. there is a whole underground area but it serves absolutely NO purpose. its just a series of coridors with no props, no rooms, no camping spots, nothing! it maybe serves for a way to get from one point to another but then it should just have been a less complicated tunnel like in fiddlers green.
zm_4way_tunnel. basically bit of the same thing. most of it consist of 4 tunnels tih a few rooms that there is no way that you can survive in. fx: 1 room with door and window you can crawl through. and then no props to cade with. only a shelf that is useless as you cant camp behind it or something. another room is the repeated rooms in the tunnel thats going in a spiral upwards where there is a empty room with 1 small crate and with that you can still walk (not crawl) through the opening and kill humans easily. lots of the spots are like this. too many entrances or not enough props. however there is one spot in the elevator shaft that there is NO way you can make it as zombie cause the humans can send the elevator down again just seconds after it started to move.
zm_atl-combo-kill_v1: first the lighting is ugly as hell. however the spots are not balanced at all. some rooms have like 20 shelves for a little small opening and the elevator can easily get stuck with props meaning that its impossible for zombies to enter seconds floor underground. then there is other spots that seems fairly balanced but then for some reason the zombies can teleport into so that the humans have no chance of surviving there if the zombies know the teleporter. plus the helicopter ruins most of the rooftop camps and other spots such as inside the main building on second floor. there is no way that you can block the entrance from the roof cause its far to high to reach with any props.
ze_escape_the_eye: this map is way too short. gargantua put WAAAAYY too much thought into stupid secret routes thats actually SLOWER than the main route. the main route itself is very short but with 2 seperate ways and then the map is just stretched out in the end where you have to wait almost for a minute and there is no way you can survive as human there unless you are like 20 humans and 1 zombie. the lightbridge is cool and it leads to nades and snipers. cool cool. however if the door below isnt guarded but humans there is no way you are gonna make it inside the safety room without getting zombiefied. most of the secret ways there is no way normal players will figure out and they usually slows down more than helping you so they have no point.
zm_dangerous_base: this map is all too unbalanced i have never seen the zombies win on this map. some camps are very unfair to zombies and others are too easy. and there is a whole underground that is never being used because the mapmaker have packed them away too much. besides they dont offer much either. just some rooms and stuff and it all looks the same. think the map would have been better without these forgotten areas.
zm_gargantua: it looks nice however there is basically nowhere to hide other than a few camps and a few rooms with too less props to cade with. some hiding spots are even impossible to get into at all. there is the container below the stairs that looks like a nice little camping spot however you cant enter cause there is too little space to go through. thats just lazy that it havent been fixed yet.
zm_mara: the problem for this map is the IMPOSSIBLE camping spot on top of the tower where there is no change the zombies will get there unless the zombies spawn there. some areas like the ruins are just there for the looks and serves no purpose. the map is too unbalanced and humans will go on the tower every round.
zm_office_final_hdr: this is another unbalanced map. its just alot of corridors with a few rooms there is no way to survive and then there is other rooms there is no way you can die where you have too many props to baricade a stairway that is too small to pull out the soda machines as a zombie. cade there and you are a guaranteed winner. besides the buildings are just boring and repetetive and dont even resemble offices.
phew. thats alot of text
Added (2010-06-15, 11:00)
oh wait nevermind i see it now. i thought you meant the terrorist down there but i can see now that you stand on the mountains. just remove this map along with the others ive mentioned