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Forum moderator: loki, noexit, Colors  
lokiDate: Monday, 2009-06-29, 14:55 | Message # 1
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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tongue why do we not have proper seasons in england?????i swear the weather doesnt change frm one season to the next=/wanna live where theres 6 mnths of darkness...woooooot...ooh snow,definately want to be wheres theres loads of snow...wanna be snowed in for mnths at a time....ahh i kno...being a recluse sounds like a good life ambition,ahhhhh no people,noone knocking at yr door at stupid 0'clock in the bloody morning:P...mornings!!!!who the hell invented those?!?!?!??!needs shooting thats for sure=))))Oo guns....*drool*...wanna huge armoury of my very own=)))))))))).....

ok ive spoken enough shite here...anyone wanna somethin feeeeel freeeee ^^ tongue

noexitDate: Monday, 2009-06-29, 21:35 | Message # 2
[ZfH] God!! Obey his rules!
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Sound like your talking about sweden biggrin haha ^^

[ZfH] NoExIt

lokiDate: Monday, 2009-06-29, 22:16 | Message # 3
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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biggrin tongue hahahah zomg im sooo there loooool tongue biggrin cool

NÒ_óbDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-01, 16:21 | Message # 4
Less Noob
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lalala i dont know what to do today play zfh or go swimming, the weather is sooooo hot damn 32°c tongue surprised cool

lokiDate: Friday, 2009-07-03, 07:23 | Message # 5
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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tongue angry heh yea is here toooooo way tooooo bloody hot...just coupla mnths til winter yayyyyyyyy biggrin biggrin biggrin

Added (2009-07-03, 7:23 Am)
sad oh thought of another thing thats disrespect of other peoples feelings,just a form of selfishness i suppose...its puh...god its gonna be one of those days tongue

noexitDate: Sunday, 2009-07-05, 23:28 | Message # 6
[ZfH] God!! Obey his rules!
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hehe biggrin on the summers u complain about its hot and on the winters you complain about its cold.... biggrin Its nothing between them, life is a misery

[ZfH] NoExIt

lokiDate: Monday, 2009-07-06, 00:22 | Message # 7
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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biggrin biggrin ahahha oh yea a real bitch lolol...cept i never moan angel tongue

about winter that is biggrin

noexitDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-08, 13:40 | Message # 8
[ZfH] God!! Obey his rules!
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haha biggrin ^^ i live in darkness biggrin

[ZfH] NoExIt

lokiDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-08, 14:01 | Message # 9
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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biggrin biggrin hehe sounds good though...hmmm think i might get some blackout curtains and paint walls black Oo noooooes im turning EMO.....='((( tongue

noexitDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-08, 19:06 | Message # 10
[ZfH] God!! Obey his rules!
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[ZfH] NoExIt

lokiDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-08, 19:49 | Message # 11
[ZfH] forum ownage!
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sad loooool already found a dark corner *cut* *cut* *cut* Oo god nooo too much effort involved bein an emo tongue

MaijDate: Wednesday, 2009-07-08, 20:18 | Message # 12
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emo heh? lol, i can give you my pocket knife?
Its 2 meters long lolol.
If you cut yourself with that, you can say hallaluya. Maybe not.
lolol, its very hot indeed, but compared there then here its cool.
26 degrees celcius.

hehe anyways i am leav'in again, ciao!

Addicted to anime, nothing better then that!
Alife is good, undead is better!
ƤпDate: Friday, 2009-07-10, 12:00 | Message # 13
[ZfH] User
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Quote (loki)
why do we not have proper seasons in england?????i swear the weather doesnt change frm one season to the next

So true but thats for all the UK not just england tongue Wales, it rains in the summer, rains in the winter, rains in the spring and rains in that other season. 2 weeks ago driving from work the water was over the wheel arces of the car happy now blistering heat, wants more rain here wacko

lokiDate: Friday, 2009-07-10, 12:24 | Message # 14
[ZfH] forum ownage!
Group: [ZfH] Moderator
Messages: 1060
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biggrin ahahha so it really does rain that much in wales?...why is it that the as soon as theres a lil sun the hosepipe ban comes in?!?!?!wtf is that all about... tongue tongue

ƤпDate: Friday, 2009-07-10, 12:31 | Message # 15
[ZfH] User
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Iv not heared of a hosepipe ban tongue but yet it does rain alot, wish i had noah in teh family to build an arc some days, been nioce and dry for the last week or so which has been nice, but it doesnt agree with me, to hot for my liking especialy in work, moment the sun comes out everyone goes to buy their bikinis and what not, gets hecktic...
Strange tho from watching Torchwood, its filmed in Cardiff like and it never seems to rain when they film, makes me wish it was an all year around series and they constantly filming and now the month they do now tongue give more sun but less heat!

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