Ingame Name : Polini... Shady :D. Cybor
Age : 15 years old
I have ben admin on an old rpg surf Dm server, so i know the rules and all that Help people, do a vote if no one likes the map :P
Im from Denmark,
I dont think i can donate anything.. Im sorry
Added (2009-04-20, 6:44 Pm)
Ingame name: Polini.. Shady :D? Cybor!
Age: 15
Experience: I got some admin experience, since i have been admin on a old rpg/dm surf server , so i know the rules and that
What can i do to the server: I can help people out of problems, otherwise do a vote if no one likes the map
Country: Denmark/Denemark
Donate: I cant Donate anything, sorry :*/
If this ain't right then i'm confused