ohnoooo cant i remain secret squirrel?!? ok let's get this thread going....... well i was called zfh loki but now its IzZi as its my real name wootwoot
hmm my realreal name is *cough*elisabeth u want any more than that go to my profile lolol
ok again *cough*olllllllddddder than the hills am i...well nearly,but because of the very wierd life ive had i still only act an look in my twenties:P something to be said for not having kids
ahahhahahahah width?!?!?!?!well not male so cant answer that....ohhh u mean weight?!?!?lolol well im not a stick insect but not fat either so probably normal...bugger knows cant be doing with all that getting ready crap for 6 hrs everytime u go out like most women
ok the rest of me...well im 5'7 inches which is just above normal height for women umm have hazel eyes which change colour depending on my mood...long hair which is dark with red in it...umm couple of piercings...tongue,nose,ears etc...used to be more but i get bored easily lol...hmm 2 tattoo's want more though...not yr typical girly girl so clothes tend to be trainers or big boots with combat trousers,t-shirts,vest tops etcetc in dark colors...meh if u wanna kno anything else just ask me
hmmm sparetime is taken up with here,ingame,looking after dogs and cats and thats about it...theres other stuff but not for on here
what i most love is quiet,the one thing i want to do b4 i die is live in a different country where its cold...away frm people,in total isolation with nature*sigh*ooh and with mebbe a couple of wolves lol
i enjoy talking to people who arent dicks...explains why i talk so little...only talk a lot with people who i love like u guys
okkkk hates time...this could take awhile na what pisses me off is just general rudeness,arrogance,prejudices of any sort...who are we to judge anyone???umm...people who shit on others,loud people,whiny people,emo's lol,u kno people who whine bout their lives when they've got it pretty good...just think of those who havent....umm ooh i hate drivers who are complete wankers who drive like theyre 90 yrs old...umm people who force their religious/political views down yr throat...i kno what i believe an it should be a personal choice not forced onto u by arseholes...omfg i cant stop bitching now...meh okies i need to calm down lolol wheres that spliff
well thats me...IzZi take me or leave me...be nice an ill love u forever...mwaaaaaaah