Ever seen someone with a customized spray? Sick of your own ripped picture from google? Then post your tips and secrets here and share with your fellow zombie hunters :P
I'll give a brief intro for anyone who is completely in the dark on this one.
Step One:
Graphics editing program.
Well, you could use mspaint if you wanted something that looks like a 7 year old has drawn it.
OR you could use Gimp. This program is free, and avalible from your best friend, google.
Once you have downloaded Gimp, extract it and install. This should only take a few minutes (Depending on the speed of your PC)
Ok, now you have a half decent graphics manipulation program. Now its time to create your spray.
You can either start from scratch and design your own spray if your good at art and that sort of thing. Or you can do it the cheaters way and rip a picture off google. MAKE SURE YOUR NOT BREAKING ANY COPYRIGHT LAWS WHEN YOU DO THIS! I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE INFRINGING COPYRIGHT LAWS!
Step Two:
Ok, so lets say you have drawn / downloaded your pic. Now you need to open it in Gimp. Do so.
Yea, that looks good eh? but its a little bland. How about some text to liven it up abit?
Try this site: http://cooltext.com/
Its self explanatory - Choose a style and change the colours etc to your liking.
Ok, now at the bottom of the screen you should see File Format. I would advise you setting this to JPG.
Now click render logo and wait a sec. Once this is done, right click on your banner / text at the top of the screen and save as. Place this somewhere you'll remember.
Great, now you have a picture and some text. Lets combine them.
Open your original picture in GIMP. Then goto File - Open - Your Text.jpg
Step Three:
Now you'll have 2 windows, one with your picture in and one with your text in. Make sure the window with your text is selected and press CTRL + A (To Select All) Then do CTRL + C (To Copy).
Now highlight your picture window and press CTRL + V
Combined! But it looks rough, how about some transparency?
Position your text to where you want it to be, you should see that just your text is highlighted and you can move it.
Once you have it in position, right click on the text (Thats inside your picture) and goto Layer - Transparency - Colour to Alpha
Select your colour range and your done!
Save this as what ever you like then import into CS:S
Hope this has helped a few people out. Feel free to make your own comments and add anything you like to this.
Peace all, happy huntin.