Hey all, Lately I've been going on the server and getting a little bit annoyed with other "ZOMBIES" not killing.
It is a bit **** on other zombies having to-do all the work.
OK I my self have NOT killed, but only if there is certain players on, and I want to explore the map, some maps I don't know and need to learn.
All so with been a zombie and you don't kill, it makes that map last a life time, So can we just kill us some humans
So we can at least eat some to keep us alive!
Another thing!
I have seen Zombies BLOCKING others zombies, now I won't go into names but IF I catch you doing it again, I'll report you.
I'm starting to get a litttttttle bit pissed with that matter.
P.S, I after say this, Last Samurai No affence to you, but all you can hear on Team Speak, is YOU!
"Don't Kill Me. / I'm Not Going TO Kill You / God Damn / Nooobs so on and so on.
Hint - Humans KILL zombies.... Zombies KILL humans, catch my drift!