Here are some maps that i want to add to this server: rooftop 2 escape
Sewer escape
underground escape
LOTR Mines of moria
LOTR Helms Deep
hazard escape
And you should allso Bzip all maps that you upload to the fast download ftp cuz then the map gets smaller = faster download time and you save space on the fast dl ftp.
You can download it from here:
Just drag and drop the maps / sounds / skins ... everything on that bzip.exe file and it will be zipped.
Everything thats uploaded to the fast dl ftp should be bzipped.
And i allso think you should delete all skins now in the beginning of the server. I joined the server and had to download alot of skins and sounds. I think you should add those zombie models:
Dont have any skins on the server exept these ones!
When the server is new people leave if they have to download to much. Thats why im telling u this
I allso think the time limit for each map should be 20 to 25 min. I dont know what you have now :P
Best regards noexit!